Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wake Up AM Podcast podcast# 96

This week: As California's National Guard stationed in Iraq watch their state burn, Lt. Governor John Garamendi blasts Bush.
- Once President, Hillary pledges to give back executive powers, we'll see.
- Congressman Stark is forced to apologize for telling it like it is
- Mukasey awaits confirmation as the debate centers on our definition of torture, not the fact that we are doing it.
-Filibuster, use it or lose it.
-This just in... It's Islamo\Fascist week!
AND Kathy's son returns from Iraq safe and sound.
Join Us!
Listen Now! (show#96)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wake Up AM Podcast podcast# 95

This week: We thought Gonzales was bad. Just think what a competent, war on terror/wiretapping judge can accomplish.
- Bush wins a Nobel prize too?
- The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein talks about her new book
- What's this Armenian Genocide resolution all about?
- If Iran had a nuke, would they use it?
- And is Bush stable? Barbara Boxer doesn't think so and neither do we.
Meg is back in Canada but the rest of us are here in the land of no SCHIP.
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Listen Now! (show#95)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wake Up AM show #94

This week: One last chance to get the FISA thing right. Can the Democrats deliver?
Listen Now! (show#94)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Wake Up AM Podcast podcast# 93

This week:
-A Battle over Talk Radio
-Blackwater hearings
-Seymour Hersh on the "new" reason to attack Iran
-AND John Edwards wins over Nancy!
join us!
Listen Now! (show#93)