Wake Up AM Podcast show # 85
This Week: Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton ? Anyone see a pattern here?
Who's next? Jeb then Chelsea? And will there really be a substantial policy change if Hillary gets in, or will it be business as usual?
-Should you vote with your head or your heart? We have a lively discussion.
-And does your vote matter anyway. From California to Florida, electronic voting gets a big thumbs down, but can we defeat The Rise of the Machines before 2008?
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Listen Now! (show#85)
Hello All (I almost said Ladies - but remembered Brian at the last minute)
We are weekly listemers from Belgium. Jeff (me) is a queer exhile from the US of Anxiety, Xavi is a Spanish scientist. As a former Vermonter - I really love that you broadcast from New Hampshire (formerly the Banana Republic of the North - a name predating the clothing shops) Hard to believe you are still saddled by a Sununno (sp).
Keep up the great broadcasts - we love our weekly chat from you all.
Warm Regards
Thanks Jeffrey, keep listening. We hope to unseat the latest Sununu. In fact, nancy and i had breakfast with his would be replacement, Steve Marchand. Email us at wakeupam@gmail.com and elaborate on you situation and we will read it on our podcast.
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