Wake Up AMerica Podcast #220
This week:
The Bush Tax Cuts
The Republicans prepare the fight to make them permanent.
- Why has BP stopped the relief well drilling?
Afghanistan on Three Cups of Tea
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Hey Wakeup AM -- just a small correction. Greg Mortenson was born in St. Cloud Minnesota and later moved to Tanzania. He still visits MN now and then. Here's a long interview with him from Minnesota Public Radio very recently.
The local peace group I'm part of just discussed him and his books and there is some buzz he's getting 'compromised' by the military, but it's probably only a worry at this point.
Hey Shelly, nice to hear from you. thanks for the link. Nancy and I are listening now. I hope St. Cloud appreciates him. Nancy can't stop talking about him. Of course what Mortenson wants for Afghanistan may be more humane and idealistic than what the powers that be in this country hope to gain from Afghanistan.
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