Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wake Up AM Podcast podcast# 144

This week a new day dawns and we bid farewell to America's dark ages:
From Reaganomics to the Bush Doctrine.... see ya!
-Obama in the home stretch
-Election fraud: the GOP's last gasp
-attacks across Syrian border jeopardize any hope of a Bush/SOFA agreement in Iraq
-And, Palin looks ahead to 2012 (and an ever shrinking political base)
join us!
Listen Now! (show#144)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wake Up AM Podcast #143

This week: The Last Debate: Could the difference be any more clear?

- The ongoing economic meltdown
- Is Michele Obama more threatening to uptight white America than her husband?
- And Sarah Palin continues to inspire parody.
Join us!
Listen Now! (show#143)

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Wake Up AM Podcast podcast# 142

This Week: The Future or the Past :
The promise of a 21st century leader or a bitter old man.
-Naomi Klein and the legacy of "free" market Capitalism
-Kathy's Sarah Palin rant
Meg is away, but Chris joins us!
Listen Now! (show#142)

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Wake Up AM Podcast podcast# 141

This week: It's taken the Republicans 78 years to dismantle nearly all the protections FDR put in place.
Can Obama be what we need him to be?

- The Bailout. Will the House continue do what the Senate could not?... listen to the will of the people.
- Who is Henry Paulson?
And, a preview of the Biden - Palin debate.
Join us!

Be sure to watch the video MONEY AS DEBT. It is MUST viewing to understand who is really calling the shots in Washington.
Listen Now! (show#141)