Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wake Up AMerica Podcast #218

It's Time to go Home!
Why are we in Afghanistan anyway?
-Obama reminds the Military who's in charge.
-How much don't we know about the oil beneath us?
And, Joe Barton's BP gaff removes the facade that the
GOP hides behind.
join us!
Listen Now! (show#218)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wake Up AMerica Podcast #217

This week: Who has the Power?
President Obama holds BP accountable but
who is running the show?
Listen Now! (show#217)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wake Up AMerica Podcast #216

This week:
Chronic health problems loom for clean up crews because BP won't allow workers to be seen wearing respirators, the latest reason to push for a revolution in our healthcare system.
Dr. Oliver Fein and Dr. Tom Clairmont of Physicians for a National Healthcare Program join us to discuss REAL healthcare reform.

join us!
Listen Now! (show#216)

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Wake Up AMerica Podcast #215

This week:
Greed and Deregulation spell
- Obama invites Arizona's Governor to discuss immigration
- Israeli commandos propel Israel's siege of Gaza to the front page
Can the Left and Right look past their differences for the sake of our Democracy?
Jim of the GDAEman Podcast joins us.
Listen Now! (show#215)