Sick Minds of Bush and Me
Reading the account in The New York Times of Bush's speech to the American Legion, my cynicism could not be contained and I thought I'd share it. (Italics=NYT, Red=my sick mind)
President Bush began a new drive today to rally the American people behind him on the Iraq war and national security, declaring that the United States must stay the course in Iraq because it is a battleground in an epic struggle between democracy and tyranny.
And it is quite clear that it is the U.S. administration who is struggling to bring tyranny to all while eradicating democracy.
Whatever their ethnic or religious differences, Mr. Bush said, they are united in their wish “to turn back the advance of freedom, and impose a dark vision of tyranny and terror across the world.”
This tyranny and terror business is so confusing. Is Bush actually telling the truth and admitting that his regime is attempting to impose tyranny and terror across the world?
“In the coming days, I’ll deliver a series of speeches describing the nature of our enemy in the war on terror, the insights we’ve gained about their aims and ambitions, the successes and setbacks we’ve experienced, and our strategy to prevail in this long war,” Mr. Bush said.
That will be the shortest speech the world has ever heard.
That September morning brought to the United States “a war we didn’t ask for, but a war we must wage, and a war we will win,” Mr. Bush said. And if the United States tires of fighting in the streets of Baghdad, he said, “we will face the terrorists in the streets of our own cities.”
More of the same old crap!
“So the United States will not leave until victory is achieved,” Mr. Bush said, warning that more sacrifice lies ahead and that the struggle will be a long one.
He has no idea what is going on so how can he ever hope to achieve victory? And the only ones sacrificing are the 99% of us who are not multimillionaires.
Mr. Bush was applauded frequently. He had not only a friendly audience but a friendly setting.
The bubble lives on.
The battles in Iraq will one day rank alongside those at Omaha Beach and Guadalcanal as mileposts on the path to liberty, Mr. Bush said. “We know that the direction of history leads toward freedom.”
Oh PLEEEEASE!!!Even in his deranged state, he should know this is a stretch even his supports can't possibly make.
I don’t know why anyone would bother reading the article but in case you feel so inclined, here is the link: